

作者:Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师 |




光晕激光换肤 一种越来越流行的美容手术能改善皮肤的质地吗, 你皮肤的色调和整体外观. 无论你是想减少细纹, 皱纹, 疤痕或晒伤, 这种非手术澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网是可以有效的, 一次澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网.

当你考虑这个不可思议的选择,你的皮肤问题, 我们想先带你过一遍 发生在Halo澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网期间从准备你的来访到恢复过程.

第0步:协商 & 评估

The journey to laser skin resurfacing begins with a consultation with one of our qualified providers. During this initial meeting, you’ll discuss your goals, concerns and medical history. Your practitioner will examine your skin to determine if you are a suitable 可以didate for this procedure.

Halo is safe and effective for just about every skin type, no matter your placement on the 菲茨帕特里克皮肤类型量表. 然而,某些皮肤问题可能需要其他澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法. 这将在你的咨询中讨论!


之前 the actual treatment, you’ll receive specific instructions on how to prepare. 这通常包括避免某些药物, discontinuing the use of skincare products containing retinoids and wearing sunblock to protect your skin from UV damage. 酒精消费, 晒黑, 化学换肤, deep facial treatments and injectables should be avoided before your appointment, 也. 

来访前, you will also be asked to fill out your patient consent forms and to ensure you’ve had all of your questions about the treatment answered ahead of time so you 可以 walk into the office with full confidence. 



平均麻木时间:30 - 60分钟

在手术当天, one of our skincare specialists will first cleanse the skin and apply a topical anesthetic or local anesthesia to numb the treatment area. We will explain the contents of your post-Halo take-home kit as the numbing agent reaches its fullest effect. 然后去除局部麻醉剂,再次清洁皮肤. 

如果你对光晕手术特别紧张,我们也提供 Pro-Nox — a safe, fast-acting pain relief inhalent that will wear off well before you leave the office. 我们不认为Halo是一种特别痛苦的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网方法, 但不同的澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台对相关不适的处理方式不同! 

“Halo is a full-face laser treatment which is different than a ‘full-field’ treatment. 全场澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网包括去除表皮和真皮. Halo keeps your skin intact but pokes strategic holes into it — I like to joke that it’s akin to aerating your yard!”

——adrienne Yanich,注册会计师


平均会话时间:30 - 45分钟 

Both you and your provider will first equip specialized goggles to avoid eye damage from the lasers. The Halo device is then carefully guided along the surface of your skin in sections. 

“Every patient gets a customized approach to Halo based on the depth and energy of the treatment we need to address all of their skin concerns, 以及可用的停机时间. 会议期间, we use multiple passes of the laser over the skin until we reach the desired amount of energy in the area.”

——adrienne Yanich,注册会计师

该设备使用两种不同类型的激光:烧蚀 & 未消融

  • Ablative lasers remove thin layers of damaged skin and precisely create pathways into the skin. 这对于细线整理特别有用. 
  • Non-ablative lasers (or coagulative) create controlled “micro-injuries” in the skin to effectively stimulate collagen production without damaging the surface. 这有助于建立一种更均匀的语气. 


Platelet-rich plasma (or “PRP) is a collection of your body’s natural growth factors that are extracted from your blood. PRP 可以 用来加速愈合过程. 然而, not all PRP is created equal and this step could potentially slow down healing and stifle results. Your provider will discuss the quality of your growth factors ahead of time to decide if you are a 可以didate for this tandem offering. 


After the laser skin resurfacing procedure, your skin will be sensitive and require special care. Your practitioner will provide detailed post-treatment instructions, which may include:

  1. Using the provided water mist spray and fan to help ease the sunburn sensation
  2. Applying products from your post-treatment kit to keep the skin moisturized and promote healing
  3. Minimizing sun exposure as much as possible and use sunscreen regularly to protect your skin from UV damage
  4. 避免使用刺激性产品和去角质产品

第五步:轻松恢复 & “光环辉光” 

The length of the recovery period varies depending on the amount of energy used during your treatment. 也就是说, most patients only experience the signature sunburn sensation for 1 – 6 hours after their visit. 

在恢复期, 你的皮肤会经历不同的阶段, 包括发红, 点, 点, 剥, 和剥落. 这是皮肤再生过程中自然愈合的一部分. It’s crucial to follow your practitioner’s post-treatment care instructions diligently to ensure the best possible results.

“The reason you 可以 heal so fast after Halo is that each laser goes through the same pathway. The pathway is sealed immediately, which prevents open wounds and greatly reduces infections.”

——adrienne Yanich,注册会计师

第六步:你的下一次约会 & 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后面部

《澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网》的全部效果通常可以在一次游戏中体验到. 然而, you may not have enough downtime available or your skin concerns may be a bit more stubborn — like deeper texture issues. This 可以 require a follow-up Halo treatment to ensure you get the greatest results possible. 我们建议每年澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网不超过三次.

唐纳森独有的, we also provide a complimentary post-treatment facial seven-to-10 days after your treatment to further bolster your results. 

Adrienne Yanich RN作者简介


Adrienne Yanich,注册会计师他是俄亥俄州哥伦布市的一位专业美学专家. 她擅长进行高质量的激光皮肤重塑澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 还有肉毒杆菌和填充剂注射. 从最初的咨询到澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网后的康复, Adrienne aims to help every patient fully understand each step of the process so you 可以 make an informed decision about whether Halo is the right choice for you.

