Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong Press Release | 唐纳森整形外科-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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Dr. 唐纳森 Speaks With NBC 4 Columbus About Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon

Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森 of 唐纳森整形外科 recently appeared on NBC 4 Columbus to discuss medical credentials and how to 选择合适的整形医生. He educated prospective patients on how to avoid disappointment and limit health risks when looking into different surgeons and practices.

Dr. 唐纳森 was accompanied on television by his patient, Rebekah Adkins. 丽贝卡开始了 寻求腹部除皱手术 with a different surgeon over a year ago in order to get rid of excess skin and fat. Two weeks after her operation, the incision split open and pink areas began to turn black. She had to seek regular medical attention to remove dead flesh and clean the open wound.

六个月后,花了几千美元, 她终于痊愈了, 她希望自己当初采取了不同的方法. 当第一次见到Dr. 唐纳森, Rebekah admitted that she hadn’t done enough research when she chose the first surgeon.

“As cosmetic medicine becomes more crowded with non-board-certified, 无塑性的外科医生, 这种失望正变得越来越普遍,博士说。. 唐纳森. “I’ve seen an increase in the number of patients just like Rebekah. I would say at least five percent of my practice is now devoted to 帮助澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台做整形手术 出了差错.“

Dr. 唐纳森不得不和丽贝卡从零开始, 造成大面积的疤痕, 彻底修改她原来的澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网. 用最初手术的费用, 术后感染的医疗护理, a complex secondary surgical plan to achieve her aesthetic goals, 丽贝卡花的钱比她原来计划的要多. While she recognizes that surgical complications and poor outcomes are always possible, 她希望她能找到一个像Dr. 唐纳森 with the right credentials and experience when she first started.

Plastic surgeons throughout the nation have been coming together on this issue for the past few years. In 2011, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons began a public service announcement campaign entitled, “你的医生有资格吗??” The American Board of Medical Specialties has also launched their website to help more prospective patients make informed decisions.

Dr. 唐纳森, 委员会认证的整形外科医生 in Columbus and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, shared his advice with NBC 4 Columbus viewers on what he feels ensures the quality of results and quality of care. He advises prospective patients to find a surgeon who is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, 拥有良好的社区声誉, 积极的患者评价, 迷人的前后对比照片, other references of their work such as peer reviews and regional and national awards for excellence in the field. 他还列出了一些危险信号, 比如没有医院背景, 缺乏董事会认证, 没有专业协会会员资格, unwillingness to share before and after photos or patient references, that would immediately alert prospective patients that the doctor may be the wrong choice.

Women and men interested in plastic surgery are invited to visit the 唐纳森整形外科 website or contact Dr. 唐纳森’s office at (614) 442-7610 for a personal consultation. 事务所位于锯木厂路4661号.俄亥俄州哥伦布市,邮编43220.


唐纳森整形外科 is a boutique plastic surgery practice offering sophisticated surgical and nonsurgical procedures to patients in the greater Columbus, 俄亥俄州及其他地区. Both the staff and the practice have received numerous awards and distinctions from the medical community and rave reviews by their patients.

关于博士. 唐纳森

Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森 is a board certified plastic surgeon and member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. He specializes in cosmetic procedures for the face, breasts, body. He combines world-class training with uncompromising attention to detail and a warm, 对澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台真诚的态度.


锯木厂路4661号. 100套房
(614) 442-7610

